Science Communication

  • universite-Strasbourg-subventions-aidesuniversite-Strasbourg-subventions-aides

Course Category: Master and Master of Arts

Course Description
Course Description
  • Focus of Study

    The specialisation of the Scientific Communication Master “Education Training Communication” offers two separate courses: “Institutional communication” and “New scientific mediation devices”.

    The first course, “Institutional communication”, aims to train professionals responsible for communication in scientific institutions and enterprises, able to engage in dialogue with the various stakeholders in this sector (politicians, designers, scientists, researchers, etc.) .

    The second course, “New scientific mediation devices”, insists on new media and communication devices (serious games of the public debate devices).

    Course Description

    The professional integration of the specialisation will be done in three major sectors:

    • Institutional communication: communication service and / or release of scientific research centers, universities, engineering schools, etc.
    • Cultural Mediation: science museum, center for scientific and technical culture, education center environment, regional park, etc.
    • Editorial: web, press and scientific publishing.